Learning About Integrity

Norman Maclean reminds us all raised in Montana where a man or woman are as good as our word how we learn integrity.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

My Labor Day Pledge


Labor Day was first observed 142 years ago as all my families were arriving in Butte to help punch thousands of miles of underground workings into the hard rock of the Boulder Batholith. In their honor and with great respect for our skilled work force:

1. If elected I pledge to build on the hard-learned skills of over 100,000 Montanans engaged today in energy, construction, mining and railroading, in order to help make Montana an electricity-producing powerhouse for our nation.

Toward this end much has already been accomplished with distributed solar, including two 80 MW solar farms commissioned this year, 22 wind farms consisting of 4024 wind generators, 32 private and federal hydroelectric dams, including the old Montana Power Dams in the Missouri and Clark Fork Basins that powered Butte’s massive and strategically important mines with 100% renewable energy during the whole of World War II, one natural gas-fired peaking plant and one natural gas fired wind-firming plant, and two legacy coal-fired base load plants being kept in service because the need for electricity has begun to skyrocket.

2. I will propose to the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that a site or sites in the Boulder Batholith suitable for use as a high level nuclear waste repository be assessed according to the newest procedures being recommended by the American Nuclear Society’s Special Committee on Generic Standards for Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste. See ans.org.

The Boulder Batholith underlies approximately 1.5 million acres managed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Department of Interior and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

3. I will monitor the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s review of Small Modular Reactors, particularly the 345 MW Natrium Reactor design being proposed by Terra Power at the Naughton coal-fired power plant near Kemmerer, Wyoming. See nrc.gov.

My greatest concern right now is that Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Order 1920, will be challenged now that the Supreme Court has overturned the decades-old Chevron doctrine of judicial deference to a federal agency’s interpretation of an ambiguous statute. Order 1920 directs Regional Transmission Owners, including the Western Area Power Administration as part of the Southwest Power Pool to “right size” existing transmission lines and plan electricity transmission using 20 year time horizons with planning cycles every 3 to 5 years. See spp.org.

4. I will ask the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad to begin considering electrification, which in the Montana Department will require 4 Small Modular Reactors (SMR). Northwestern Energy will be colocating a fifth SMR at Colstrip by 2042. The 60 year lifetime waste of 5 SMR’s will be about 3,105 metric tons, compared with the 13.75 to 15 million metric tons of copper ore annually removed from the Boulder Batholith to supply America’s WWII war effort. 

John B. Driscoll

Friday, August 23, 2024

Artificial Intelligence Guides on The Side

For Immediate Release:Artificial Intelligence

August 23, 2024

Contact Phone: 406-437-1526 

Contact email: driscolljohn37@gmail.com

In Whitefish, Montana, this week Eastern Montana congressional candidate John B Driscoll recommended to members of The Montana Broadband Association that they help sustain rural broadband operations with a millage fee per kilowatt-hour on server farms used to store broadband users’ valuable data. “Conversion of energy from all of its primary forms to the expensive but versatile electricity form has continued as an imperative because benefits usually delivered by various electricity-based technologies usually outweighed the costs.”

He observed that value of all the gold found in Montana pales in comparison to the positive worth of electricity we’ve used since the first telegraph message arrived in Virginia City on November 2, 1866. “Our territorial Governor Green Clay Smith ten word response to President Andrew Johnson may have cost $40, but it was a bargain compared to the saved one-way stage fare of $120 to Salt Lake City, or $305 to Omaha, plus rail fare to Washington, DC, doubled for the return trip. Then there would have be the weeks of time spent traveling.”

Now Driscoll agrees with Johnathan Spalter, President of the Broadband Association, that the value of interconnecting the computers in our rural communities with a wide range of activities delivered by fiber optics is, “unimaginably high.”

Driscoll argued for including the cost “Guides on the Side,” trained and educated in the uses of Artificial Intelligence as needed.

The official website for Driscoll’s campaign is: johnbdriscoll.blogspot.com”

John B Driscoll, Candidate 

U.S. Congress Eastern Montana




Saturday, August 17, 2024

Welcome To The Eastern Montana Open Rodeo

 For Immediate Release

August 15, 2024

Contact Phone: 406-437-1526 

Contact email: driscolljohn37@gmail.com

“Good for Ms. Neil for filing as an independent write-in candidate in this Fall’s general election for Montana’s Eastern Congressional District’s Representative. Clearly she feels strongly that Democrat voters should not have nominated me of the four of us running in the Primary.  I get it but do not equate raising and spending lots of other people’s money to ‘campaigning” for public policies important to Montanans.

In 2002 after I got home from the Pentagon, having worked as Deputy Crisis Action Team Chief for Operation Enduring Freedom in the National Military Command Center, I already knew plans were afoot for a shooting war with Iraq.  Like Ms. Neill I opted to file as an Independent to warn Montanans about the bad idea about to unfold, as it did in 2003. Without finding the nuclear weapons given as the excuse for war, 4,431 American servicemen and women lost their lives, and more than 31,000 were wounded in auction. Nearly 100,000 civilians died.  

Though my efforts were ignored, I’ll never regret making them. Ms Neil’s entry into the eastern district race now means that a number of votes equal to what she gets plus the 30,000 open-minded Republicans I’ve been steadily trying to physically meet, will be necessary for me to win and send a big message to the political party elites that actual votes by people willing to get off the couch, not huge sums of money for advertising to the brainwash the passive are “free speech.”

The official website for my campaign is: johnbdriscoll.blogspot.com”

John B Driscoll, Candidate 

U.S. Congress Eastern Montana


