Monday, October 21, 2024

Pre-Election Montana Free Press Article


Eastern Montana House race light on suspense


John Driscoll tells a story about campaigning as a Democrat for the U.S. House in far eastern Montana, where he came across a woman who welcomed him like a desert island castaway.

“She said, ‘You’re a real live political person and you’re a Democrat?’ I go, ‘Yeah,’ and she hugged me.” Driscoll said. “They haven’t had much face-to-face contact out there. That’s what I’m seeing big-time.”

The subtext of the former state legislator and Public Service Commissioner’s observation is that Montana’s second U.S. House District, on the general ballot for the second time since its creation, is solidly Republican, especially in rural areas, which punch above their weight in the GOP electorate.

The 38 rural counties in the district produced 47,432 votes in the nine-candidate Republican U.S. House primary in June, accounting for 47% of the eastern district GOP results. Three urban counties, Cascade, Lewis and Clark, and Yellowstone, accounted for the rest. Troy Downing, Montana’s state auditor, won the nomination and is expected to win the general election by a wide margin.

The four-candidate Democratic primary that Driscoll won, on the other hand, drew 12,803 voters in those same 38 rural counties. Including Yellowstone, Lewis and Clark and Cascade counties, the Democrats’ eastern district primary drew 40,290 votes to the Republicans’ 100,411. Democrats argue that primaries aren’t a prologue to general election results, though in five of the last eight general election races for U.S. House, the average Republican margin of victory in eastern district counties is greater than 20%.

Incumbent Rep. Matt Rosendale, who isn’t seeking reelection, won 56% of the eastern district vote in 2022, while Democrat Penny Ronning finished with 20% of the vote behind independent Gary Buchanan, who captured 21% of the vote as a self-described moderate alternative for centrist Democrats and Republicans disenfranchised by MAGA politics.

There is a nominally independent candidate in this year’s election as well. Reilly Neill, of Livingston, has mounted a write-in campaign.

The base salary for a U.S. representative is $174,000. Both major-party candidates live in Helena, which is part of the district. Downing has been Montana’s securities commissioner as state auditor since 2020.

A retired Army colonel, Driscoll is a former Joint Education Officer of the J-7 Directorate of Joint Force Development supporting the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Driscoll is easily the most credentialed veteran to seek election in Montana in decades, though he almost never flaunts his military cred. What he’s known for is being the Dollar General of Montana politics. In several of the eight races in which he’s run for a seat in the U.S. Senate or House of Representatives since 1978, Driscoll spent so little that he didn’t reach the $5,000 federal threshold for required campaign finance reporting. He won the 2008 Democratic nomination for Montana’s at-large House seat by defeating two primary opponents who each spent more than $200,000, which even 16 years ago was scarcely enough for a Potemkin campaign.

Downing isn’t resting on his primary win, or the eastern district’s conservative DNA.

“I’m not taking that for granted. I’m still talking, showing up in the community, showing up at events talking to Montanans,” Downing told Montana Free Press. “But also, I’m just trying to make sure that I’m not just running through the tape, that I’m going to be effective on day one. A lot of that has to do with helping others, it has to do with building relationships.

“When I show up in January, I want to make sure that people know who I am and what Montana wants. I don’t want to be in the back of the room, a backbencher.”

Eastern district voters are identifying illegal crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border as a top concern, Downing said.

“Kind of the top of the list are things that everybody’s talking about in the national news. People are concerned about crime. They largely attribute that to the southern border, drugs, fentanyl, basically local law enforcement being run ragged because they really don’t have the boots on the street to deal with the influx we’re seeing,” Downing said.

“I think we need to go back to the Trump policy of you can’t just come across, disappear into the country,” Downing said. He visited the U.S.-Mexico border earlier this year. “One of the other things that I thought was interesting is blowing in the wind are all these flyers. You know, I picked one up in multiple languages on how to declare or request asylum in the United States, instructions on what to say. I mean, it’s just a problem.”

Driscoll said his conversations with voters in the eastern part of the state are unique. He is inclined to get the lay of the land before introducing himself.

“I’ll pull into town, park the car, and walk around town. If I feel the person I’m about to meet won’t be bothered by me introducing myself, then I do. I meet a lot of people that way,” Driscoll said. “I’ve also been kicked out of a guy’s shop because he hates Democrats. I wear a hat that says, ‘I’m a Democrat’ and that lights people up, or I have been called a baby killer. I’ve been called a communist, because of the hat.” Eventually, he said, word spreads to the other end of town that Driscoll is coming, and people get a little more welcoming.

The energy transition is a big eastern district priority identified by both candidates. In the first 10 months of this year, the district has seen commercial-scale mining cease at the Absaloka mine in Hardin, a primary source of jobs and royalties for the Crow Tribe. Owners of the Colstrip power plant are grappling with tightening regulations on carbon emissions, mercury and hazardous air pollutants, restrictions that could close or shorten the life of the power plant. Meanwhile, southeast Montana is preparing for a first-of-its-kind transmission line project connecting the nation’s eastern and western grids.

“I went down to Colstrip, and I got a feel for what’s going on down there. I mean, that plant’s going to probably keep running, but it probably could also make a debut on the Antiques Roadshow,” Driscoll said. As a member of the Montana Public Service Commission in the 1980s, Driscoll took part in the decision making to determine how much of the power plant would go into the rates of customers of the Montana Power Company, which sold its assets roughly 20 years later.

Driscoll is a fan of small modular nuclear reactors, both as power plants and engines for train locomotives. He thinks nuclear power could find a home in Colstrip. Small modular reactors have attracted some interest in Montana while at the same time losing support in neighboring Idaho as the cost of power proved uneconomical.

Downing advocates for keeping fossil fuels, including coal, in play while creating new energy sources, including for freight.

“We need to continue to support reliable and affordable energy, not to say that we don’t continue to innovate and look for, you know, other things, but let’s also make sure that we are being honest about the language that we use,” Downing said.

Both candidates talked about the need to recognize the environmental costs of battery storage and renewable generation sources that don’t burn fuel but do have impacts related to manufacturing.

Downing identified the importance of water to agriculture in eastern Montana. He’s one of five members of the Montana Land Board, which makes management decisions about state-owned land including leases for grazing, recreational cabins, and fossil fuels.

“On agriculture, food security is national security, and it concerns me that we continue to be able to feed ourselves as a nation,” Downing said. “I mean, this is not just the economy in Montana. This is a nationwide issue. If we start to see production agriculture dwindle away, and we don’t continue to support our farmers, ranchers, we’ll get to the point where we’re not feeding ourselves.”

Downing, like Driscoll, is a military veteran. He served in the Air Force and Air National Guard from 2001 through 2009. He was twice deployed to Afghanistan. Both men draw on their military experience to form positions on the current wars in Israel and Ukraine. Standing with Israel is part of Downing’s message. Driscoll is concerned about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the threats it poses to the United States’ allies in Europe.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Discipline, Duty and Service

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Lieutenant General Henry Shelton and Joint Staff Officer Colonel John Driscoll, Pentagon, September 20O1.

“Any veteran will tell you ‘the uniform does not make the man,’ because a person's character, values, and abilities are what truly define them. While a military uniform is a great source of pride to us because it symbolizes discipline, duty, and service, it does not automatically confer integrity, leadership, or competence. Ultimately, it’s the individual’s actions and decisions that reflect that individual’s true character.”
John B Driscoll

Monday, October 14, 2024

Oct 15 Campaign Expenditure Report

 My personal expenditures for both the primary and general election campaigns for election to Montana’s U.S. House District 2, as of October 15, 2024, are $4,410.99. This leaves a remaining balance of $589.01 to cover the cost of two more 3-day swings through eastern Montana this week and next, with the firm intent of remaining under the Federal Elections Commission threshold of $5,000 before being required to begin formal reporting of political campaign fund-raising and spending.


John B Driscoll, Eastern Montana Candidate, U.S. Congress

MT2 Campaign Expenses:

Filing fee: $1,740
Democrat Hat: $20 ( No Receipt)
Gas @ Forsyth $45.58 (Miles City/Glendive )
Gas @ Miles City $$24.35 (MC/Glendive trip)
Gas @ Helena. $38.63 (MC/Glendive trip)
Running Sub-Total: $128.55 plus Filing Fee

Gas@Helena $29.55 (Great Falls Debate)
Gas@Helena $9.04 (Boulder Speech)
Dinner Tickets $50.00 Boulder Speech)
Running Sub-Total: $217.14 plus Filing Fee

Gas @ Havre $39.44
Gas @ Helena $26.24
Havre Dinner Ticket $35.00 (No Receipt)
Running Sub-Total: $318.02
Remaining Balance: $2941.98

AFL-CIO Interview gas. $44.29 (Hamilton Gas)
Running Sub-Total: $362.31
Remaining Balance: $2897.69

American Legion Speech: $154.60 (NoWhere)
$42.59 (Jordan)
$16.76. (Miles City)
$41.47. (Helena)
$281.05 (Trip)
Running Sub-Total: $643.36
Remaining Balance: $2616.64 

Sidney Community Stage Speech
Gas @Cook City: $43.35
Shower @Lockwood $15 (Friday)
Shower @Lockwood $15 (Saturday)
Gas @Lockwood $28.74
Ingomar Rodeo $10.00
Shower @Lockwood $15.00 (Sunday)
Parking Ticket @Billings $10.00
Gas @circle K Billings $48.15
Shower @Lockwood $15.00
Gas @Fort Smith $45.38
Gas @Custer $40.89
Camp spot Makishika $9.00
Shower @Glendive $10.00
Richland Fair @Sidney $2.00
Gas @Glendive (Trailstart) $49.16
Gas @Columbus $41:30
Gas @Helena $28.42
Trip total: $426.38
Running Sub-total: $1,069.75
Remaining Balance: $2,190.25

Donation to HCTV: $100.00
Remaining Balance: $2,090.25

Jefferson County Swing: $23.85 (S. Helena)
Remaining Balance: $2,066.40

6th swing:
Gas @Brady: $33.25
Remaining Balance: $2,033.15
Shower @Shelby: $15.00
Remaining Balance: $2,018.15
Gas @Whitefish: $41.76
Running Balance: $1,976.39
Gas @Sweetgrass: $39.93
Running Balance: $1,936.46
Shower @Shelby: $1,921.46
Gas@Inverness: $26.00
Running Balance: 1,896.46
Gas @Helena: $43.39
Running Balance: $1,853.07

Gas@Park City: $36.82
Running Balance: $1,816.25
Gas @Big Timber: $50.57
Running Balance: $1,765.68
5:15 Gas @ Townsend: $52.36
Running Balance: $1713.32
6:04 Gas @Helena: $4.08
Running Balance: $1709.24
6:10 : Home

0700 Shower at Lockwood: $15.00
08:45 Gas at Lame Deer $48.56
9/14 Remaining Balance: $1645.68
8:30 overnight Medicine Rocks: $9.00
9/14 remaining Balance: $1,636.68
9/15 Gas at Baker: $37.21
9/15 Remaining Balance: $1,608.47
9/15 Gas at Plentywood: $46.99
9/15 Remaining Balance $1,561.48
9/16 gas at Scoby; $23.60
9/16 Remaining Balance: $1,537.88
9/16 gas at Malta: $25.99
9/16 Remaining Balance: $1,511.89
9/17 Gas at Helena:$43.47
9/17 Remaining Balance: $1,468.42

9/21 Gas at Geraldine: $30.67
9/21 remaining Balance: $1,437.75
9/21 contribution to Hill County Dems: $5.00
9/21 Remaining Balance: $1,432.75
9/23 Gas at Fort Benton: $39.57
9/23 Remaining Balance: $1,393.18
9/23 Gas at Helena: $22.41
9/23: Remaining Balance: $1,370.77
9/23: Deductible for deer wreck: $500.00
9/23: Remaining Balance: $870.77

9/30: Gas at Belt: $32:35
10/1: Remaining Balance:$838.42
10/1: Gas at Chinook: $48.52
10/1 Remaining Balance: $789.90
10/1 Gas at Glasgow:$40.00
10/1: Remaining Balance: $749.00
10/02: Gas at Saco: $47.01
10/02:Remaining Balance: $701.99
10/02: Sleeping Buffalo Hot Springs: $13.00
10/02: Remaining Balance: $688.99
10/03: Gas at Roundup: $31.22
10/03:Remaining Balance: $657.77
10/03: Lockwood shower: $15.00
10/03: Remaining Balance: $642.77
10/03: Gas at Three Forks: $46.15
10/03: remaining Balance: $596.62

10/04: Gas at Helena $7.61
10/04: Remaining balance: $589.01

10/15: Funds remaining for MT2: $589.01

Swing #11: 10/16 thru 10/18
Thursday, October 17

10:00 AM Northern Cheyenne Early Vote Event

12:00 PM Crow Early Vote Event

Swing #12: 10/23 thru 10/25
Wednesday, October 23

10:30 AM Rocky Boy Feed
Box Elder, MT

1:15 PM Fort Belknap Feed

3:15 PM Chinook Meet and Greet

5:30 PM Havre GOTV Event

Thursday, October 24th

11:00 AM Glasgow GOTV Event

2:30 PM Fort Peck Feed

6:00 PM Glendive GOTV Event

Friday, October 25th

8:00 AM Miles City GOTV Event

John B Driscoll, Candidate 
U.S. Congress Eastern Montana

Sunday, October 6, 2024

A Time For Atonement

      For Christians, forgiveness and letting go of resentment and anger toward someone who has wronged is central to the Lord’s Prayer. In  the Islamic tradition, the Prophet Muhammad said, “Whoever forgives a Muslim, Allah will forgive him." The holiest day in Judaism, the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur, is a time for seeking forgiveness. Yom Kippur will begin at sunset on October 11 and will end with the night of October 12. 

     This year in Montana, October 11 is the day by which all ballots will be mailed to voters on the absentee list, and the bulk of voting in this General Election will begin in earnest. May we vote for the good of Montana and our country without anger or resentment? 

     For me, that means forgiving Benjamin Netanyahu, not just for leading his nation’s bloody over reaction in Gaza to the attack of October 7, but for his consequent attacks on Iran, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen. Worse yet, he’s clearly dragging our nation, using his “win, win, win” strategy, into another deep battle for Israel in the Middle East. 

     Are others, including Americans of both political parties complicit? Yes, and they must be forgiven as well. While I ask forgiveness from the innocent people of Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iran for deaths in their families from our American made munitions. I especially ask forgiveness from the more than 100,000 innocents and their families in Iraq and the families of the more than 4700 U.S. Service Personnel, all killed since March 2003 by direct actions of the United States conducting a deep battle for the Israel. Those actions began earnestly in Crawford, Texas, on April 3, 2002, when Israeli Leaders Sharon, Eiylan and Netanyahu briefed President George W Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair. There was born a firm determination that resulted in lies about nuclear weapons and terrorism that were used to justify a more than 20 years war.

      Knowing what happened and grieving the loss of two fine sons of fellow smokejumpers, I intend to forgive but not to forget.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Netanyahu Must Go

     Netanyahu in September 2002 influencing Congress to fight Iraq before we invaded. No similar record (so far) of Netanyahu, Sharon and Israeli National Security Advisor Giaron Eiylan briefing UK Prime Minister Blair and U.S. President George W Bush in Crawford, Texas, in early April 2002. Blair mentioned the meeting during the UK’s Iraq Inquiry. Upon leaving Crawford, Texas, Blair said he was convinced “Saddam had to go.” There is apparently no record of the early April 2002 Crawford meeting, but this presentation as an”expert” 5 months later most assuredly conveys his view which never changes. Now, 22 years later, Netanyahu wants a joint U.S.-Israeli effort on Iran. It seems to me we need to tell this guy that the U.S. Constitution gives Congress the power to have the U.S. declare war, not him. His “win, win, win” terrorism counter action strategy so far is the reverse domino theory of a racist Megalomaniac, but it’s keeping him out of jail. Oh, and he’s the fellow we keep feeding $3.8 million a year in weapons and have placed two carrier strike groups, several fighter squadrons and God knows what else at his disposal for a third “win” in Iran. How brain-dead stupid can Americans get?