Monday, March 11, 2024

Custer’s Pistol

Mr. Marbut,

     During my life I’ve been responsible for hundreds, if not thousands of weapons, and the safety of persons handling them in live fire conditions. I have the greatest possible respect for them and what they are capable of doing. I have no respect for persons who do not maintain them or handle them properly.

     I maintain my own proficiency with a .357 magnum revolver safely stored by a brother. The revolver I use was kept loaded constantly since I was 5 years old, but safely stored in a place no one touched in a home used eventually to house 7 children.

     As you would expect I am most concerned with the safety of gun owners and their families, and have no use for firearms kept purely as luxury items. I choose to keep the people I love in a clean and healthful environment, and therefore have no weapons around my house.

    I no longer hunt, but when I did I practiced fair chase. I’m not interested in answering your Montana Shooting Sports Association questionnaire, but have no doubt you’ll find many who will. However I can offer you the story of Custer’s Pistol, which you’ll find included in my last book, Gonzo Road Show Diary.

John B Driscoll

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