Sunday, April 7, 2024

Guard Against Sentinel

     Guard against Sentinel because nuclear blast, radiation and fall out will kill nearly everyone in Montana’s U.S. House District 2. If China or Russia fall for our strategic ruse of making 450 Sentinel silos a “sponge” to absorb 450 to 900 ground-bursting nuclear warheads essential to their first strike, Helenans may escape, but Billings families will suffer. Our red line against this happening is now.

     Guard against Sentinel because it allows our President only 10 minutes between warning of an incoming attack and the decision to launch. If the warning is disinformation or mistaken understanding, the launch of these missiles cannot be recalled.

    Guard against Sentinel because “nuclear weapons modernization” was initiated as part of a back room political deal between President Barrack O’Bama and the nuclear weapons industry in exchange for the nuclear weapons military industrial complex agreeing to not oppose his signing of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START). 

     Guard against Sentinel, the largest construction project in U.S.Air Force History, not because it is so far over budget and will be even farther over budget, but because the $20 billion for 1250 warheads to eventually give these missiles each 3 warheads is tucked away in a different budget for the Energy Department.    

     Guard against Sentinel because the U.S. Air Force role in America’s nuclear war-fighting capability is its recallable bomber force and satellites operating in outer space. 

     Guard against Sentinel because the presence of ground-based launch facilities spread across Montana substantially reduces the area to consider for better use by an underground high-level nuclear waste facility.

     If elected I will not be in the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Caucus of congress persons interested in bringing the massive pork barrel spending of this project to ICBM states.


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