Saturday, May 25, 2024

Memorial Day Statement on Declarations of War


For Memorial Day 2024, John B Driscoll, Democrat candidate to represent Montana’s eastern U.S. House District, is advising Montana’s Libertarians by telephone call that he supports repealing of the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force passed in the aftermath of the 9/11 Attacks, and he supports bringing home our troops from all current military engagements where war has not been formally declared. 

     For all future conflicts, including transfers of weapons to nations engaged in active conflict, Driscoll wants a congressional declaration of war on the assumption that the declaration will approve in advance the first use of tactical or strategic nuclear weapons by our forces, or forces we support. Russia’s Vladimir Putin is threatening nuclear war, and with this new kind of international terrorism, we need our people to be prepared mentally and to be mindful of the real possibilities.   


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