Saturday, October 5, 2024

Netanyahu Must Go

     Netanyahu in September 2002 influencing Congress to fight Iraq before we invaded. No similar record (so far) of Netanyahu, Sharon and Israeli National Security Advisor Giaron Eiylan briefing UK Prime Minister Blair and U.S. President George W Bush in Crawford, Texas, in early April 2002. Blair mentioned the meeting during the UK’s Iraq Inquiry. Upon leaving Crawford, Texas, Blair said he was convinced “Saddam had to go.” There is apparently no record of the early April 2002 Crawford meeting, but this presentation as an”expert” 5 months later most assuredly conveys his view which never changes. Now, 22 years later, Netanyahu wants a joint U.S.-Israeli effort on Iran. It seems to me we need to tell this guy that the U.S. Constitution gives Congress the power to have the U.S. declare war, not him. His “win, win, win” terrorism counter action strategy so far is the reverse domino theory of a racist Megalomaniac, but it’s keeping him out of jail. Oh, and he’s the fellow we keep feeding $3.8 million a year in weapons and have placed two carrier strike groups, several fighter squadrons and God knows what else at his disposal for a third “win” in Iran. How brain-dead stupid can Americans get?

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