Monday, April 15, 2024

Ghost Rider

This weekend I had to drive over 700 miles on my donut spare tire (front left) after a blowout between Big Horn and Hysham. Made my 1:00 and 1:30 appointments in Miles City, and the 5:00 PM Spring Fling at Glendive, then back to Miles City where I slept on the ground under the stars at Fort Kehoe. Meadowlarks woke me up for sure, which was grand, but every move was a pain after changing that tire the day before. I had to break off two of the five lug bolts. If truth be told I felt as chipper as that 201 years old Tibetian Monk they just found in the Himalayas and half as spry. 

Couldn’t replace it at Miles City Saturday because Point S was just closing at 1 PM as I got there. Couldn’t replace it at Walmart in Miles City on Sunday because they only had one, and all four need replacing for All Wheel Drive (AWD), and couldn’t replace it at COSCO in Billings because the two lugs I sheared off were next to each other and their corporate liability policy won’t let them replace two adjacent. It was a shame because they had the tires and would have had me out of there in a heartbeat. So I tootled back to Helena much slower than the 80-90 mph Sunday traffic that hurtled around me. Made it home by 5:30 PM.

I thought I saw ghost riders in the clouds overhead and I definitely saw a young white bronc pawing the sky.

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