Monday, April 22, 2024

No Term Limits Pledge

(Earth Day)   Today Mr. Howie Rich, Chair of U.S. Term Limits and Club for Growth, asked John B Driscoll, Democrat Candidate for Montana’s U.S. House District MT2, to sign a pledge to support amending the U.S. Constitution, “which will take years to get proposed and ratified. This is about bringing fairness back to our elections. As you know the campaign finance deck is stacked in favor of incumbents. The odds of unseating an incumbent if you’ve got less than $1 million in the bank are 1 in 146.” Rich said, “Term limits is a giant improvement toward campaign finance reform. Open seats work to level the playing field on money. No incumbent means no incumbent fundraising advantage. A three-term limit really opens the door for new voices to emerge.”
     “Polling for congressional term limits is off the charts and candidates who make this an election issue do very well. Per a recent McLaughlin poll, 82-9% support term limits, Dem-80%, Ind-83%, Rep-84%.”
     Driscoll respectfully responded: “I do not support term limits. In my view folks have to stop giving their power to money and speak about who should be in their last term with their vote. It’s why I am seriously running for high office without raising or spending the $5,000 minimum threshold for filing with the Federal Elections Commission or with the U.S. House of Representatives.”
     So far, Driscoll has spent $128.55 plus a $1,740 filing fee and is feeling fine about his campaign.

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